From the President

 Such a beautiful time of the year with the “change” outside our doors! We had our first Auxiliary monthly meeting in September to start the new year and it was so good to see everyone there, and to welcome new members!!!!

As we work together with all the beautiful colors in October, we start the month off with the early bird dinner Saturday, October 6, which is free to all paid members. Chairman Lynn Spilman will be working her magic with roast beef. Please contact her if you can help.

Viking game potlucks have been a great success, unlike the Viking team. Everyone is welcome to bring a dish to share or just come to eat. This is only on Sundays. Win or lose we make it a fun time.

Department fall conference will be held at Rivers Edge Convention Center, Kelly Inn in St. Cloud October 26-28th. It promises to be a great learning conference for all the Legion family. If you are interested, contact me for more details.

Thank you for your willingness to continue to volunteer throughout the year as we are “brightening the days of our veterans and communities” (6th District President Patty Gunderson’s theme for 2023-2024).

Let’s plan to have some FUN, as we work our American Legion Auxiliary mission.

Thank you for your dedicated work and volunteer spirit!!

For God and Country,

Dorothy Pierzinski, Auxiliary President


Our October meeting is Tuesday, October 10, 6:30 p.m.