From the President

 We had a fun and busy October full of color and events.

The early bird dinner had a great turn out with chairman, Lynn Spilman and her committee making a delicious roast beef dinner. Thank you to all who prepared the dinner, and for all that came to enjoy.

As I write this, we are getting ready to go to Saint Cloud for the American Legion Fall Conference. Great opportunity to learn what our Legion Family is all about. Hope more members will take advantage of these opportunities in the future.

Welcome deer-hunters to the Park Rapids American Legion! On Friday, November 3 the Post will have their gun raffle and S.A.L will serve burgers and tots! Good luck hunters and have a fun and safe season!

Veterans Day is Saturday November 11th, we celebrate the men and women who took the oath to serve the nation. The American Legion will be serving, turkey, dressing, potatoes, and gravy, a veggie, salad and dessert. Dawn Batcho is the chairman and will be asking for help in making this delicious dinner. This dinner is free to all veterans and their families. We are the land of the FREE because of the BRAVE. YOU are truly a great American. THANK YOU, VETERANS.


Thank you for your dedicated work and volunteer spirit!!!
For God and Country, Auxiliary President Dorothy Pierzinski


Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 14, 6:30 p.m.