Hello fellow legionnaires…

Welcome to April. With the exception of the snow storm we had in the last weeks of March, I would say it was a pretty gentle winter for us. Spring is now just around the corner and I for one, am super excited about it. This means we get to be outside without coats and mow our lawns.

It was a pretty eventful month in March for us. We did the entire month with fish fry Fridays and they went super smoothly. A big thank you to all who helped out with the Post, Auxiliary and SAL events and all of the people who came in to enjoy the fish fry. We averaged over 300 people served each fish fry every week.

This is is a weird year with Easter being in March, but I hope everyone had a great Easter and an even better April Fools Day!!!! Tax Day is also coming up on the 15th of April so make sure those are done or file for an extension so you don’t get into any trouble.

We also want to inform everyone we will be closing sometime this month to replace the carpet in the bar and gaming room, so make sure you keep an eye out for updates on when that will be. For active members or members who would like to help, please contact us so we can get as many people as possible to make it go as fast as we can.

With those updates, I hope everyone has a great April 2024. Lets hope for a some rain because it is pretty dry outside, even with all the snow we just got. Thank you all and hope to see you around the Legion soon.

Kasey Krautkremer 

Post 212 Commander